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Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:17 am
by rusto

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:04 am
by argus
Not sure of the Scottish expression for describing my first road race, (dogs something or other) but mega-wicked-awesome works. We were all very fortunate to have a super day for a race in an absolutely beautiful location. It was great to see so many MRCers have great and memorable races.
The race actually started the day before when I scouted the course with Len. He wanted to ride as many of the hill climbs as possible (on the bike, not the car) and it didn’t take long for the little confidence I had to disappear riding hills with Len. Race day I got to the course around 8:00am and had plenty of time to build on the nervous tension as my wave did not start until 12:10. I was concerned how it would be riding in a pack, but it was not too uncomfortable. After about 8 miles I moved towards the front and found myself behind the leader. When he pulled over, I was then pulling the pack up Juniper Swamp, pretty much the last place I wanted to be. Pulled for a reasonable time and then moved to the side and watch everyone blow by me and fought hard to rejoin the pack. The pack eventually split up and I hung-in with a few other riders. When we hit the next set of hills I rode forward to the next group up ahead. This was the pattern for the rest of the race, sticking with a group on the flats and downhills and on the climbs moving ahead to riders in front of me. At the end I hammered the last 4 miles as best I could, it was gratifying to pass a few people on the home stretch as they were probably doing 20mph. And it was nice not to have to run after the bike.
Observations: Russ, great picture of Matt smiling on the uphill. And as always, great pictures in the post above.
That soft squishy grey dirt at the bottom of the descents will be etched in my mind for a while.
Carl, that witches brew its really good stuff, just an acquired taste.
Lastly, what’s with the 9:00 pm bedtimes Saturday night, the chocolate oatmeal stout made for excellent pre-race fuel.
Great seeing everyone.

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:37 pm
by rusto
Video of crash descending Meetinghouse Road:

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:35 pm
by ahamilton
That is (the freakishly strong) Len, who I believe did the Masters race.

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:59 pm
by carlshimer
Was that crash avoidable? I have always assumed that with the right chops you should be able to stay upright. It looks like the rider perhaps tried to over-correct with the front wheel.

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:37 pm
by rusto
carlshimer wrote:Was that crash avoidable? I have always assumed that with the right chops you should be able to stay upright. It looks like the rider perhaps tried to over-correct with the front wheel.
I agree. It seems like the rear wheel got a little squirrely so what I would have done is just let it settle back in as I keep the front wheel on a straight line. I think she might have also grabbed some brake which made things worse.

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:43 pm
by pierso
Looks to me like she needs some experience a NBX riding on the beach!

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:13 pm
by JeremyC
Thank god this didn't happen at Battenkill ... Qcg#at=130

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:05 pm
by scott_sweeney
Jere was that dude sitting on saddle rails only???? New definition of hard-ass!

Re: Battenkill

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:55 pm
by rusto
Some pix I took after the race:


