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Tour of Somerville, New Jersey

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:41 am
by Len_E
I happened to be visiting in-laws in New Jersey last weekend and decided to hop in the Saturday crit of the four-day Tour of Somerville. This is a hell of a weekend of racing attracting pro racers from the surrounding states. The highlight is the pro race on Monday but the races throughout the weekend attracted topnotch racers and a lot of spectators. The town, both residents and business, make it a fun event.
The crit was a tight, .8 mile course with 4 corners and a slight hill just before the 150 meter flat to the finish. The 45+ race was 35 minutes plus 5 laps. Since I didn't have a clue about the other riders or teams (there were several multi-rider teams in the race) I hung out in the pack trying to get a clue about who I should watch for. Despite the 35-minute 'warm-up', the pace was very fast, about 27 mph with numerous attacks and breakaways. With 5 laps to go the bulk of the pack was back together (about 50 riders) and teammates started to talk strategy. I heard enough of the chatter to find a few wheels to follow. The pace picked up with 3 laps to go and then one guy took off at the bottom of the climb. No one followed and he stayed away until, with 1.5 laps to go his teammate takes off after him. Still no one follows and I'm wondering why is this guy chasing his teammate and why is no one following. The last lap was fast but not fast enough and both inidividual breaks stayed away. About 35 riders were together at the start of the last climb so I jumped on a wheel that came roaring up the gutter to the final turn. The final 150 meters was a madhouse with leadouts spread across the road and very little space. I found a 2-man team and jumped on the wheel of the 2nd guy. When the leadout blew up, #2 didn't have anything left so I kicked it into high gear for the final 50 meters but it was a bit too far to make the top-10 and I finished 12th. Another learning experience.
Just before my crit went off there was a 70 mile, Pro, 1, 2 race. As the gun went off I noticed a Team CF kit in the pack and it looked like Manny. Is there a report from Team Goguen?

Re: Tour of Somerville, New Jersey

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:05 pm
by Bruce
Len, Great're flying. I know the Goguens were there.


Re: Tour of Somerville, New Jersey

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:14 pm
by rmazzola
Nice job Len!