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Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:49 am
by Bruce
Congrats to all who raced the Cat 4/5. The guy who won it is Tyler Hamilton's older brother. So don't feel bad...that's a bit of a sandbagging:)

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:53 am
by jraguin
Mine is probably the worst to post first, but here it is of the 4/5 race.

First the positive about others: Chris, Doug, Stefan, and Todd all had nice races. Chris looked strong through the whole race. Todd also looked strong until the end. Doug also seemed to have good legs, was the man bridging a huge gap with 3 to go, but that pull for 1/2-3/4 a lap cooked his goose for his finish. Yep, some guy named Hamilton won (supposedly related to Tyler Hamilton) and he was clearly a stud. He went with 2 to go by himself and made it stick relatively easily.

There were 75 riders in the race (it was sold out), so for me, it was the biggest field that I have been in. It was a very small loop, I had it as 0.53 mile, which essentially had 3 turns, one of which was a sharper turn, about a 110 degrees with an island in the turn.

Now my story. We started out and I got a bad start (couldn't get into my cleat, probably nervousness) and I was at the very back for the first few laps. I kept having to come out of the saddle after every corner to catch onto the back again. I realized this wasn't good. However, after the first few laps I started to settle in and found the better lines through the turns so I could maintain speed through the turn and stay in the saddle. So I started moving up the field.

I was about mid-pack at about 6 1/2 laps in, and because it was early, everyone was still in the pack. Right as I was approaching the sharper turn, there was a very loud BANG ahead and clearly someones tire blew up. I instantly heard bikes hitting the deck (it turned out two guys fell). This mishap was near the front, so everyone hit the brakes hard. I hit mine hard as I was close to the guy in front of me, but I hit my back brake too hard and that was my mistake. I instantly locked my back wheel, lost traction, and started to skid and my bike was turning sideways (the back of my bike was moving to my right). I was still staying up, but then a guy in front of me was turning to avoid the crash in front of us, so he went right and clipped my front wheel causing me to go down to my left. I felt like I went down hard, and other guys behind me told me later it looked pretty bad when I hit the pavement.

I got up, shook myself off, assessed my body and bike quickly. I looked up ahead and the pack was already 1/2 a straight ahead. I decided to get on and see if I could catch anyone. By the time I was in my clips the last guy was already in the next turn. So I pedaled a number of laps before they pulled me. Note that I did not listen to the announcer and I didn't know there is a rule in most criteriums that you are allowed to enter back in after a crash. At this race, the rule was that I could cross over to the scorers table, tell them I crashed and wanted to go back in. If I got back in within 2 laps, I could get back in. If I had known and had my wits about me, I should have done that.

The only reason I don't say it was 100% my fault for the crash, is that first there was a crash in front of me (albeit probably 6-8 wheels in front of me), and second, if I didn't lock my brakes, I don't know if I would have hit the guy in front of me anyway.

So the damage is:
To body: I have scrapes all over as I rolled with the crash. So my left knee, left elbow, left butt cheek, bits of my left hand, and back all have scrapes / raspberries. My butt cheek is probably the worst in terms of area, but I think it will heal the fastest as it is fairly superficial.
To gear & bike: Nothing seems to be wrong on the bike except a bit of torn handlebar tape. On gear, my shorts are gone as they have some big holes in them. One of my gloves has a hole in it. And my helmet has a huge chunk taken out of it.

All things considered, I consider myself pretty lucky. Too bad this was my last road race of the season so not a great way to end it. I am thinking of maybe jumping in at Wells some week just to not end it on such a sour note.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:43 am
by taudep
I came, I started, did a few laps. Field strung out after crash -- I was chasing on for three laps that averaged 25 mph. Then gave up as no more umpf in the engine. By far my worst race of the season. Wasn't feeling it.

It was entertaining watching the winner, make his move with two laps to go. He basically rode away and was never seen again. Two guys almost closed him, but when they got close, he surged again.

I'm ready for CX season now. But first 24 Hours of Great Glenn. Bye road bike.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:59 am
by rusto
Haven't done more than a quick look at the shots from yesterday, but will tease you all with these two:

Right before the start, this woman walked out in front of the 8 or so of us photogs who were set to take photos from the end of the starting straight. If anyone knows her, make sure she finds out I posted it on the web.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:59 am
by rusto
The MRC 4/5 crew in recovery mode.


Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:53 pm
by tsavage
I'm terrible with race reports so bear with me.

Yes, the winner was Tyler's brother. I heard a rumor he's really a 2. Seems this race always gets won by some local sandbagger.

This turns out to be the one and only road race I will do this year and now I remember why.
I f'in love this race! Diving in the corners at 30mph is awesome.
We did something like 25 laps for 16 miles in 37 mins. My computer was 25.8 average.

As usual, I played up front early and then got out of the way for the finish.
I accomplished my first goal of starting DFL and making turn 2 in 1st place.
I then spent the first 3 laps solo off the front to get props from Richard.

I settled back into the field just as the crash happened.
I felt the guy try to dive under me in the 'island' corner and my radar was screaming "you won't fit there!" just as his back wheel washed out.
He was just far enough behind me so when he came around sideways he was just behind my back wheel.
The front 10 guys immediately hit the gas.

After that, I went to the back to see who we still had.
I managed to get back to the front several times to take hard pulls. I think I led about 8 laps.
Someone said I may have just missed a prime too but I wasn't going for one so ??
At some point I heard Richard yelling that I looked like the strongest guy in the race. Ha. Looks can be deceiving?
I was just the dummy that was willing to be on the front.

I probably should have saved a bit more so I could have helped Chris at the end but he road a smart race and did well.

@John - my apologies about the free lap thing. Obviously there are some things we need to do better as a team like teaching the rules to the new guys.
Make sure you get a new helmet.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:43 pm
by carlshimer
taudep wrote:I came, I started, did a few laps. Field strung out after crash -- I was chasing on for three laps that averaged 25 mph. Then gave up as no more umpf in the engine. By far my worst race of the season. Wasn't feeling it.

It was entertaining watching the winner, make his move with two laps to go. He basically rode away and was never seen again. Two guys almost closed him, but when they got close, he surged again.

I'm ready for CX season now. But first 24 Hours of Great Glenn. Bye road bike.
Pulled as well. I really had no reason being in this race given my (lack of) training. I like the course - nice corners.

Sorry I didn't stick around - but when I have the chance I usually like to get home to tuck my daughter in :)

Looking forward to D2R2.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:21 pm
by onegeardoug
I came, I raced, I stayed rubber side down, and I finished in the lead group...almost. I saw the tire blow in front of me on lap 6, then somehow the guys behind me crashed because of it. :?:

I learned that "if you're not moving up, you're moving backwards" is totally true. I spent the whole race trying to stay in the top 20ish, but was constantly getting swarmed from the back and having to fight my way back up. Not that the pace was too hard, but that others just came up the sides and pushed me back.

I had no intention of contesting the sprint, so with 10 to go, I asked Drooling Stefan if he wanted to go to the front with me and "make it harder"...thinking that stringing it out would be a good thing for Chris. Just then, they called a prime. So I waited until 8 to go and took a good pull for a lap. Went back and rested, then did it again with 4 to go, just as someone went off the front. Buried myself to bring him back, which didn't happen. 198 bpm. Cooked. Spent the last 3 laps trying to hang onto what was left of the peleton. On the bell lap with 2 turns to go, I was a few bike lengths off the back and no desire to sprint for I sat up. Got 37th at "s.t.".

Good fun.

Watching the P/1/2/3 was very entertaining.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:29 pm
by michaelcole
Sounds like you guys had some fun. Todd's description has me sold. Sign me up for next year.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:37 pm
by swawersik
Started off pretty well, tucked in nicely behind the Salem guys who'd been in the front row. I found the pack to be pretty sketchy for the first few laps, especially in the corners, so I made it a point to stay near the front. That didn't help, though, when the guy blew his tire in the sharp turn, as he was near the front too. I ended up grabbing a mittful of brake and heading to the outside of the turn's exit with several other guys. None of us went down, but we were all essentially at a standstill in our pedals. Up ahead, the pack started lighting it up, and as I went to get back on, I knew it was going to be a hard few laps.

The next five or six laps were a haze of all out, full on effort, with the full extent of my slobbering abilities on display (aided by a sinus infection). I got latched back into the fold at around 23 to go, just happy to have made it.

After settling in and recovering, I felt OK, even good, so when Doug asked if I wanted to go to the front, I grunted yes (apparently through a big ball of drool). But then the prime bell rang and the pace picked up, so we thought better. I lost track of Doug, only to see him up front a few laps later.

Around five to go, I thought "time to move up." I was a little worried about trying to "help" Chris, as he's so much better at holding position than I am that I might be more of a hindrance than anything. It was a moot point, though, as the pace went up enough that not being on someone's wheel (as in moving past them) was not a good place to be. I successfully pack surfed my way a few positions forward, but found myself in my usual last lap position behind all the real contenders. Dive bombed the last two corners to get a few spots and rolled in for 26th.

Afterwards, Chris commented that you really can't simulate the last 4 laps of a crit in any sort of training, and that got me thinking that I need to do more racing at Wells again. Next year, when many of our 5's will graduate to the 4's, I'd vote that we get the team together at Wells on a semi-regular basis. We've got the numbers and some solid riders, and with some practice and imparting of wisdom from real crit racers like Todd, we could have some real fun working as a team at these race.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:47 pm
by tsavage
swawersik wrote: real crit racers like Todd,
That is a really scary thought!

swawersik wrote:haze of all out, full on effort
There was an article in the recent VeloNews about being 'cross-eyed' during hard efforts.
I actually recall several instances of tunnel vision last night. At least one of them was after a gap open three riders in front of me and I had an "oh sh*t" moment.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:41 pm
by Smudger
Even down here sitting by the pool drinking another Margarita I wish I had been there last night.

Looks and sounds like a lot of fun. Seems like I need Chris's report to get the full and final picture.

Russ, love the picture of the "jakies" at the side of the road.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:17 pm
by rusto
Todd Savage schools 'em:


Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by rusto
Jeremy at full tilt:


Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:37 pm
by pace21
Well I stuck to my strategy devised from after last week's race, basically mark 2-3 fast guys who I recognize from other races and get on one of their wheels in the last 3-4 laps. Then just stay there until 50 meters to go -- easy enough, right? Well, it almost worked out that way. I bounced around from 5th to 15th wheel for most of the race, watching the 3 guys I marked pre-race. With 3 to go I picked my man, a guy from NHCC who got a top 5 last week and who always finishes ahead of me on the road and in cross. It turns out I learned alot in those 3-4 laps as he was a really good racer, meaning he was super smooth and seemed to close gaps and catch the right wheels with ease. A good wheel to follow. I hung tight until the second to last corner, got gapped a tiny bit but closed on the straightaway before the final corner. At this point I was at redline and in imminent danger of blowing a gasket, but for some reason the pace eased ever so slightly through the last corner as folks lined up for a sprint. I never eased, just maintained a steady hard effort through the turn and onto the final straight. I stood up to sprint and instantly felt a mega-twinge in one of my calf's, so I sat back down and powered home. I didn't pass or get passed on the last straight, but I did do a full-on bike throw at the line for what I thought was around 10th place. I didn't get it, and it turns out I ended up 12th. All in all I was very satisfied, by far my best finish on the road as a 4.

These last 2 weeknight crits have been incredibly difficult races, but the venue, crowds, beer, food, friends, etc. will have me back for more next year...

and FWIW after the race I chatted with the guy who's wheel I followed, he finished 3rd. I unabashedly explained my strategy, he was totally cool with it and in fact he is upgrading to 3 for next year. We all just moved up a spot I think.....

Russ, those shots are amazing.

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:08 am
by JeremyC
Russ, great shots. And yes, I was in as much pain as that picture shows. I was in the uneviable position of being the last person dropped from the main field and pulled with 4 lousy laps to go. Seriously? 33 minutes of torture you can't let me keep my dignity? 25MPH and that includes my 3 solo laps at 22. And for the record Stefan isn't the only person who drools...

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:49 am
by swawersik
JeremyC wrote: 25MPH and that includes my 3 solo laps at 22.
The results say we did 17 miles in 37 minutes. I work that out to be an average of 27.6 mph. I was pretty proud of that (the speed of the race, not the math), as it's pretty fast for a Cat4 race.

Of course the pros averaged just over 30 mph...

ps. Russ, I agree: your photos are fantastic. You should do that professionally :)

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:07 pm
by rusto
Phew. I've got the Witches Cup photos up at this location: clicky. As usual, if you (an MRC member) want a high rez file of any shots, just let me know.

Sorry about the copyright watermark across the gallery shots, but I passed out some biz cards on Weds and may be able to actually SELL a few photos...

Re: Witches Cup

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:48 am
by rusto
rusto wrote:Phew. I've got the Witches Cup photos up at this location: clicky. As usual, if you (an MRC member) want a high rez file of any shots, just let me know.

Sorry about the copyright watermark across the gallery shots, but I passed out some biz cards on Weds and may be able to actually SELL a few photos...
Just to be clear: high rez files are FREE to MRC members! Give me the file number(s) of the one(s) you want and I'll make the files available to ya, just email or PM me.