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Auburn-Lewiston Crit

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:28 am
by pcollins
Small field of 27 starters in the 1/2/3. Favorites were Sam Rosenholtz and Connor Jennings, and I thought I would be able to round off the podium. Course was 4 corners with awful pavement for half of it and one 15 second big ring hill before the last corner.

Pitney (Downeast) went off the front ~25 minutes in and held a gap of ~10 seconds. He’s a super strong guy and had many teammates. Sam, Connor and I took up the chase and brought him back at ~50 minute mark. We had to work hard and shattered the field in the process. Connor did most of the work, which I was surprised about, seeing as he had a teammate in our group (Bell) who didn’t do much work at all, but hey, I wasn’t going to complain, it was better for me if Connor tired himself out.

8 of us were a lap up on the rest of the field, and many DNF’ed. 2 laps to go, Pitney attacked again and we covered it, which strung things out. Last lap, I nearly crash after rubbing wheels with Cabrera (who pretty much sat in the entire race). I somehow saved it by unclipping and hitting the rear brake to regain balance. A gap opened and I had to close it down going into corner 2. I wanted to pass Cabrera and get on Sam’s wheel but Cabrera held his position strong and in the sprint I couldn’t pass anyone, so I finished 4th.
Just off the podium, which I was a little bummed about, but at least I got an upgrade point and won a $100 field prime.

Re: Auburn-Lewiston Crit

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:11 pm
by KTeves
Nice racing Pat!