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#MRCCX 2016

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:11 pm
by JeremyC
Its been a really fun year being a part of MRC. Just saying "MRC" is fun 'cause people in the cycling scene in New England know what that is. Have fun, race hard, and for the most part have good results. This is my report from a "roadies" perspective of #MRCCX

I was supposed to race the 4/5 early AM. That race was completely sold out, 150 racers (wow!) so I switched to the 3/4 to maximize revenues (and to sleep in, i won't lie). The guys running the show had been there for hours when I showed up. I had every intention of working a long day so I wasn't worried about it (which doesn't mean they aren't bad asses). I roll in at 10am, Rusto is working the scene and directs me to the best parking spot. My daughter Bridget tags along and we rub elbows with the cool people. Checking in on the 4/5 results, KT came in 12th, and he's in better shape than me so good guess (pat on back)

I relieve the Hulk at the course crossing (where the cool people hang out). Marc Cedrone does his best Al Capone impersonation as he tells people "go, No DON'T go... Ok now go..." A little heckling of the 40+ crew. Busick, Erhlinger, Sweendog, Ron Garon look pretty miserable. No beers have been consumed at this point. Hell apparently I actually have to do this race.

I head to the car and start the engine, cranking the heat to 80. Fine I'll do it, I roll out and do a warm up lap while the juniors are out on course. It's muddy. No really

There's 60-something in the 3/4. I'm not a CX guy, I like chilling int he 4/5, this 3/4 thing is a whole nother animal. Front row start and I say to myself "myself, at least go for the hole shot". OK, whistle blows and I'm off. Oscar and Bill "Ike' Turner are my nemesissesesss. Good start and I'm 5th at the turn, until the Fred on my right doesn't turn. No seriously, please turn. TO THE RIGHT.... We're locked up and he's pulling a rainman (no pun intended) until I literally tell him to "TURN YOUR BIKE" and he does and its all ok. But now I'm not 5th I'm 20th. Which is fine since I didn't really care anyway (said self to myself). Oscar had made the pass so now I have something to race for. Not cause I want to beat Oscar (yes I do), but because.... I want to beat Oscar. FINE. Anyway I pass Oscar and I'm making up some ground but also getting passed. It's a long 50 minute race, but all I can remember is that I rode the stairs and passed 3 people in one shot and I couldn't wait to drink a huge amount f Wachusett beer. Finished 22nd which was WAY better than expected.

So on to the beer. MRC drank a lot. And we heckled the SH!T out of Patrick (3rd place + KUDOS), Mark Miller (somewhere between 7-9th (which always means 9th duh)), Brian Hughes (or as Trump would say "UGE"); AJ Pipenheimer, Josh the Merch and Coley who was really fast until the race went past 2 laps. Antony argued with the 12 year old Beer servers, for no apparent reason. And then gave them his CC#. (New clothes!!!!!)

Then we tore down the course.Which was fun-ish.

Anyway, MRC is awesome. Pare did a great job. Busick is a great Pit Boss. Antony drinks more than I realized. MKIDD3 (his real name in case you were wondering) did some fine things, Morrisseyyyyy was a great Volunteer Volunteeering Manager (official title), the frozen yogurt truck sold 3 things, Mo was pissed cause he burped his tire (he's never burped EVER), and a bunch of other cool things happened that I've now forgotten because.... I ate too much pizza.

Anyway let me digress and say.... MRC killed it again!!!!!! Good times.

Re: #MRCCX 2016

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:59 am
by Mkidd3
I have to agreen with Cratty's assessment on the day! It was amazing! Everyone stepped up and did their job. We had a few bumps in the road (mud) but no one panicked, we fixed it, and moved forward.

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked their tails off. You made MRC look good!

Congrats to everyone who raced in that slop and thanks to whoever pulled the plug on the Madison race. You saved me about 3hrs of extra cleaning...

Ok, onto the next event!

Re: #MRCCX 2016

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:46 pm
by pace21
Ditto on the aforementioned kudos....

Canceling the Madison was the easiest decision of the day, everybody won!

Think how easy next year will be, we (or is it I?) might actually know what the heck we're doing, and it can't rain any more than it did this year. Jinx.

Re: #MRCCX 2016

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:50 pm
by michaelcole
First of all, I was fast for at least 2.5 maybe 3 laps. Then I crawled for the last 4. But all those other guys cheated by actually training.
I was fastest of the 45+ has-beens who don't train but still racing in the 1.2.3..

All in all that was a great day of cross. Nice job everyone.